- 16
- 06
- 2017

- 07.30
- pm

- Ballroom
Allusondrugs // Witch Fever // DARMA // Pool Art
- £6
- Buy Tickets
“Allusondrugs are not merely another Yorkshire band: they are perhaps one of the most spectacular and urgent groups the country has to offer”
Allusondrugs is a smushed together, grammatically incorrect way of saying “everyone is on drugs”. In this case ‘drugs’ is a metaphor for any trivial rubbish that distracts the population from paying attention to important things that are happening in the world like people dying of easily treated diseases in undeveloped countries, western superpowers using scare tactics to demonize people from other cultures so they can make everyone kill each other in the name of profit and the super rich 1% taking away your liberties to make it easier to suck up as much money as possible while your quality of life slowly decreases. The greedy sociopaths at the top of the mountain are feasting on our souls while we sit in a stupor of ignorance, watching X Factor, eating nutrition-less, processed microwave sausage and mash while we moan about people from other countries “coming over here taking our jobs, it must be true, I saw it on the telly”. We as a society are basically just mindless drug addicts that need to wake up.
Manchester based all girl punk grunge band. Making noise with our big muffs.
Angry and honest, bringing grungey riffs, a heavy beat and an eclectic mix of clean and shrieking vocals.
Pool Art
Guitar rain over cave drums.