• 17
  • 01
  • 2019
  • 07.00
  • pm
  • Lounge

Cash/Sex: Poetry Launch Party

Please note this is an 18+ event

Generic Greeting // intimate pussy, present a launch event for the poetry pamphlet

Cash/sex: A verse essay for voices, alto, contralto

by Joey Frances & Bryony Bates

…with readings from

Bryony Bates

Joey Frances

Nell Osborne &

Alastair Gold

It is our most heart-throbbing pleasure to invite you to shake off the post-festive comedown with a free evening of poetic frivolities, feturing a full reading of the pamphlet cash/sex, by the poets, alongside reading by friends and comrades. written at the twin crossroads of two poets’ extended experience of self-death & re-becoming, think of cash/sex as a sloppy suture of feeling souls, a collapsed consumer engagement webinar, a glimpse at the flesh of your shithead boss’s open tabs, an ogle of the action of exchange upon the working body.