- 06
- 09
- 2022

- 07.30
- pm
Certificate X presents Cult Cinema – Extra Terrestrial Visitors
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Extra Terrestrial Visitors
(Los Nuevos Extraterrestres)
Spain/France 1983
Dubbed English language
Director: Juan Piquer Simon
(Los Nuevos Extraterrestres)
Spain/France 1983
Dubbed English language
Director: Juan Piquer Simon
Cast: Ian Sera, Nina Ferre, Susana Berquer, Sara Palmer, Oscar Martin
When investigating a meteor crash, a poacher comes across a stash of glowing eggs in a cave and decides to destroy them. But one is saved and taken home by inquisitive kid Tommy. The egg hatches, the emerging creature and the boy become best of friends. Tommy nicknames the creature “Trumpy”.
Trumpy grows at lightning speed and possesses telekinetic powers, gets on well with Tommy’s other pets and likes to play the popular electronic game Simon (remember that?).
But all is not well, local poachers and members of a teenage pop band on a weekend camping trip are dying. Adults are terrified and mother alien wants her offspring back. Who will survive? And will Trumpy phone home?
Cashing in on the success of the Spielberg’s blockbuster, Extra Terrestrial Visitors features a lovable alien (that looks like a monkey crossed with an ant-eater), irritating musical teenagers, trigger-happy hunters, bargain-basement effects, a catchy synth score and over use of a fog machine. The director also made the cult horrors Pieces (1982) and Slugs (1988). This is not his best film, but we love it!
Ripped from an old ex-rental VHS tape, expect lo-fi audio visual quality and the occasional tape glitch.
The feature will be supported by programme alien invader exploitation film trailers.