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Certificate X Cult Films presents Halloween Horror & Science Fiction Double Feature

Please note this is an 18+ Event
Join us this Halloween for a double feature of black & white creature features from the 1960s, supported by programme of spook-show trailers. If your skin doesn’t crawl… it’s on too tight!
Frankenstein Meets The Space Monster
USA 1965
Director: Robert Gaffney
Cast: Marilyn Hanold, James Karen, Lou Cutell, Robert Reilly
When women on Mars die in an atomic war, Princess Marcuzan and her scientist companion (Dr Nadir) travel to Earth to kidnap women and re-populate Mars with new breeding stock. Their quality control limited to beautiful bikini clad ladies. On their journey to Earth, the Martians shoot down a space capsule containing half-flesh/half-android astronaut Frank Saunders (the “Frankenstein” of the title), sending him crash landing in Puerto Rico. When things don’t go to plan, the Marians release Mull, their radiation scarred Space Monster to battle with the out-of-control Frank. May the mightiest win!
This low budget/low brain stew of shlock horror and plywood set Sci-Fi features funky beats, bikinis, android mutilation, a crazy monster, dodgy ears, and the campest Martian that ever made it to Earth. Hold on to your space helmets… it’s a bumpy ride!
The Horror of Party Beach
USA 1964
Director: Del Tenney
Cast: John Lyon, Alice Lyon, Allan Laurel, Eulabelle Moore
When a barrel of radioactive waste material is accidentally dumped at sea, a chemical reaction with a human skeleton creates half-humanoid/half-fish sea monsters that crave human blood. They create bloody havoc at a beach party, kill at a slumber party and terrorise the entire town. Hank Green and local scientist Dr Gavin set out to test the genetic structure of the creatures in an attempt to destroy them before it’s too late. Will teen-romance blossom or end in early death? And will the Del-Aires be the life and soul of the beach party?
Billed as the “first horror musical”, The Horror of Party Beach sucks its influence from the population genres of the time. It’s a biker-beach party monster mash-up with a few tunes (interestingly, the songs were written by Edward Earle Marsh, better known as dark porn creator Zebedy Colt). It proudly wears the so-bad-it’s-good seal of approval.
Happy Halloween!

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