• 18
  • 06
  • 2016
  • 07.30
  • pm
  • Ballroom

SHOSHIN, Dirty Vertebrae, Pedant., Los Vencidos!

Please note this is an 18+ event

Punk, Rock, Reggae, Noise, Ska – makes a smashing night, with belters of bands!

Shoshin headline with their clean cut rhythms and clear Reggae beats, playing with tempo and dark and light vibes to perfectly cap off the night.

Dirty Vertebrae, playing Bearded Theory in May, bring their bouncy vibe to the stage and some serious smiles and energy

Pedant smack of raunch and noise and love to put it in your faces – but equally have the same sweet sounds to get down to.

Los Vencidos – who have recently and thankffully returned to the gig circuit!! described on their page as Apocalypse Blues – a great way to start the night.

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