- 13
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- 2017

- 07.00
- pm

- Lounge
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Josh McAuley (as seen on BBC Three), Mark Grimshaw (So You Think You’re Funny Semi-Finalist 2016, Hot Water Comedian of The Year Finalist 2017) and a panel of comedians are here to solve your problems!
The Clinic is open for another month, solving all of your problems and essentially sorting your life out in time for Christmas. All you need to do is bring your problems and our comedians will provide you the solutions. Throughout the Edinburgh run, we created a relationship with a live on-stage date (and potentially ended a couple of others), helped a man with his erectile dysfunction and worked out what to do with Donald Trump using shoes.
This month we are working with the excellent Lindsay Davies Homeless Stand-Up Support Project to raise some money to support homeless people. We will be auctioning off some unique prizes and generally doing all we can to provide a bit of comfort to Manchester’s homeless this winter.
There’s also excellent stand-up comedy courtesy of our guests, free shots and the possibility of winning whatever excellent prizes we can find in Pound World half an hour before the show.
This months guests are Hannah Platt (So You Think You’re Funny Semi-Finalist 2017) and Tony Wright (Beat The Frog World Series Finalist 2016). We’ll also be joined by Father Christmas himself, Adam Hughes (Beat The Frog World Series Runner Up 2017), who will show why all parents should be glad Santa Claus doesn’t really exist.
Seat reservations for the show are free, and the show will be Pay What You Want on exit.