• 23
  • 08
  • 2016
  • 07.30
  • pm
  • Ballroom

Totorro // Vasudeva + Support

Please note this is an 18+ event

TOTORRO is an experimental rock band from Rennes formed in 2004 by Xavier ROSE, Bertrand JAMES, Jonathan SICHE and Cristophe Le FLOHIC (also in post rock band FAGO SEPIA). The group started performing live in 2009 and since then remained very active in concert venues along with releasing studio material which is influenced by both post and math rock genres.

Vasudeva (U.S.) – https://www.facebook.com/VasudevaMusic/?fref=ts


Vasudeva are an instrumental rock band from central New Jersey. Formed in 2009 and started touring in 2012, they have preformed alongside bands such as LITE, Giraffes? Giraffes!, Tides of Man, gates, Pianos Become the Teeth, and CHON.